This past month I've written on
several holiday themes including admiring Scrooge's iconic grumpiness
and the rhetorical acrobatics of explaining Santa to a child. Just
as an indoor cat will sneak up on a Christmas tree ornament, the end
of the year now encroaches on our festive dispositions. Thinking
about the year ahead creeps into the back of our heads upon stealthy
feline paws that threatens to pounce on the serenity we allow
ourselves once everything is unwrapped and we finally let go of the
folderol that makes this particular holiday so fraught with the
opportunities for disappointment. Once the true tranquility settles
in on Christmas morning, it's easy to get nervous in that peaceful
silence that follows if we start to wonder, “Okay, now what?”
As a dose of prevention in keeping
myself from getting wound back up just as the holidays are getting
wound down, I thought I might take stock of the spiritual beliefs
that help keep me centered when it feels as though the rest of the
world is tilting and spinning, and the pull of inertia on my moral
compass makes me question the location of all that is right and good.
Below is a list of 10 of my core beliefs, and a brief explanation of
why I believe them. If instead of internalizing my beliefs, you
might take some time before the New Year to list out a few of your
own core beliefs, you may find that having a list similar to this to
be the salubrious tonic that will get you through the cold winter
months ahead.
Ten Core Beliefs
1. Everyday life screws with our
ability to apply our abstract principles of right and wrong.
While discussing hypothetical situations, it is a lot easier to
recognize how we want to react to moral dilemmas. But, everyday life
isn't hypothetical. Real life is complicated. Real life has an
amazing ability to come up with a bazillion intervening factors that
have a sincere impact upon our ability to judge what's right and
what's wrong. Every time we encounter a difficult moral decision,
circumstance matters. There just is no easy way to fit the geography
of real life onto the flat template of “never do this” or “we
should always do that.” In theory, the shortest distance between
two places is a straight line, but in real life, the shortest
distance is sometimes to go around the mountain rather than to try to
climb up it.
2. Some difficult ideas cannot be
reduced to simple platitudes. Not everything in life can be
reduced to a simple formula or a basic rule of thumb. It takes real
intelligence, for example, to recognize a distinction between “what
is real” and “what we know about it.” What is real is a
question of existence; what we know about it is a question
of interpretation. When people conflate their interpretations
with their reality, problems arise in that they think what
they know is real instead of mere belief. Most of
humanity's self-inflicted tragedies have come from people who have
hurt others while suffering from a madness that has convinced them
their dangerous delusions carry the authority of an inescapable
3. If an idea can be misinterpreted,
there will be people who will misinterpret it. This core belief
is almost a correlate to Murphy's Law which says “If something can
go wrong, it will go wrong.” The human brain is a pattern making
machine; we see faces in electrical outlets merely because the three
slots line up with two eyes and a mouth. Because our brains are able
to make inferences and draw conclusions, then it is inevitable that
from time to time, we will make the wrong inference or draw the wrong
conclusion. As far as I can tell, there are some people who seem to
have a knack for drawing the wrong conclusion from whatever evidence
presents itself. There are few things in life more annoying that
someone who will argue until they are blue in the face that their
interpretation is “the correct one” when any variety of
alternative interpretations can be considered just as probable.
4. In general, it is better to be
kind than correct. How often in life have we found ourselves
arguing with someone over something of little importance but somehow
the argument itself takes on its own importance? While we may gain a
brief jolt of self-satisfaction when we “win” those arguments,
let's consider what we lose when we've forced another person into
conceding. What we lose is our higher nature. Every time we bully
someone into admitting they are wrong, we have taken another step in
the direction of caring more about an ideal than someone else's
feelings. Whenever we damage a relationship with someone out of some
allegiance to an abstract principle, we've done nothing but
demonstrated that an ideal is somehow more important than an actual
human being. In the long run, what people will remember about you is
how your “ideals” were reflected in how you've treated them, not
in your stubborn dogmatism regarding some abstract principle.
5. Something is wrong whenever we
value “stuff” over people. Everyone likes their stuff, and
most of us would like more stuff. But, really, how much stuff do we
need to survive? Everyone should have a warm, safe place to sleep; a
decently-filled belly, and a place to take a shower. After that,
stuff just gets piled on stuff, but many people are actually willing
to hurt or kill others to keep them from taking the stuff they don't
actually need to survive. The Bible says, “the love of money is
the root of all evil” and that's because money is just a way of
keeping track of how much stuff we can get without recognizing how
much stuff we don't really need.
6. Anger and Fear can prevent us
from thinking straight. Whether you believe in evolution or not,
there's a reptilian part of your brains that is completely devoted to
“getting ready to run or getting ready to rumble.” Whenever our
lower emotions (anger and fear are just a couple of them; hatred and
jealously are also on the list) take over the management of our
consciousness, we become prisoners of our darker passions. There's
something chemical in our brains that prevents us from reasoning well
while we are in the midst of panicking. While there is nothing wrong
with being passionate about our beliefs, we need to recognize
whenever our temper or frustration has moved us from rational beings
to snarling animals. It's best to stop in the midst of a heated
argument to see if you can regain control of the thinking part of
your brain rather than it is to keep charging ahead like a bull who
can only focus on the red flag.
7. Whether life is getting better or
getting worse is a matter of perspective. You want evidence that
life is getting worse, it's there in abundance. Gravity and entropy
are never going to go away. It takes no effort to focus on either
what's wrong or what's missing if you want life to be different from
that way it is. And, at the same time, if you want verification that
things are getting better, all you have to do is look for
justification because it is all around you. Good things are
happening; hard work and dedication is paying off. Now, which
perspective is going to make you a better person? Since neither
perspective is necessarily incompatible with the other, how much of
one are you willing to allow to either support or destroy the other
outlook? It's not really about either being pessimistic or
optimistic; it's about be aware that either perspective is a choice,
and all choices have both their liabilities and their benefits.
8. The best religion is the one you
follow, not the one you preach to others. If there is an
Ultimate Truth out there, and you've found it, then do me a solid
favor and show me the way rather than try to drag me to it. If there
is a path to salvation, it must point in the direction of personal
responsibility. How can anyone become responsible if they don't have
the agency of finding the truth out for themselves?
9. You don't need to understand what
someone was thinking in order to forgive them. Forgiveness means
letting go of something you hold against someone else. You don't
have to forget what has happened, you only need to allow it to be.
If you think you need to wait to understand someone else's
motivations for what they have done before you can let go of it, then
you may end up holding on to those feelings forever. How often do we
understanding why anyone else does anything? How many times in our
own lives have we done something that we can't even explain to
ourselves why we did it?
The secret to forgiveness is the
acknowledgement that forgiveness lives within our own control and
other people do not. We cannot change what other people have done in
the past or will do in the future; we can only change how we decide
to feel about it.
10. Forgives of others is a gift we
give ourselves. The terrible truth about resentment is that it
is an acid that burns from within; typically when we hold on to
grudges and bitterness, those harsh feelings harm only ourselves.
Sometimes people stay angry for years at what someone else has said
or done, and they end up prolonging and exacerbating their own
emotional damage because of it. Letting go of resentment is a gift
we give ourselves because we victimize ourselves when hold on to
anger, sadness, and frustration that may affect the other person not
at all. When we learn to weed the garden of our hearts of old
animosities, we make room to grow the fruits of our own contentment.
If you are unconvinced that forgiveness can improve your life, then I
offer this simple experiment: try it for a day. Plan on forgiving
someone for 24 hours and see how it feels. You can always pack the
anger back into your heart if really need it, but I suspect that once
without it, you'll want to remain free of its burden.
As always, I invite readers to respond
in the comment section of this blog (below). I'm probably going to
take next week off so I'll see you next year. Until then, keep
thinking rhetorically.